Supporting the British Pilgrimage Trust

British Pilgrimage Trust, a registered charity, aims to advance British pilgrimage as a form of cultural heritage that promotes holistic wellbeing.

Supporting The British Pilgrimage Trust
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Britain’s pilgrim places – from churches to standing stones, cathedrals to ancient trees, river sources to holy wells – can be joined up by walking.

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In light of this, the Trust aims to be of benefit to the general public by improving awareness of this heritage, while also providing improved physical and mental health, dialogue with local communities, and connection with nature.

Make a one time donation to BPT

Make a one time donation

Donations help our charity to make pilgrimage possible for everyone through our ever-increasing range of free resources.

Be a Giving Pilgrim

We know that many of you want to get involved with what we do, while also making a donation to help us to continue...

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Make a bank

You can transfer money directly into our bank account using these details:

Account name

The British Pilgrimage Trust CIO

Sort Code


Account number



[your email address]

Your impact

90% of your donation goes towards our charitable works, helping us to:


Pilgrimage routes around Britain on our website’s directory, both older and newly formed routes.


Digital maps that can be freely accessed via smartphones using GPS to create tried and tested walking routes.


Reference works, such as our own book Britain’s Pilgrim Places and others that also introduce the depth and breadth of the British pilgrimage tradition, such as Magical Britain.


Free materials that help anyone to create their own route and host their own guided pilgrimage event, or as part of our volunteer guide network.


Our Sanctuary Project helps local communities to provide, and pilgrims find, sleeping sanctuary at a reasonable price. Benefitting both pilgrims and local communities.


We are always working to update our routes and add new ones. Our flagship route, the Old Way Pilgrimage from Southampton to Canterbury – is a 250-mile pilgrimage route discovered on a 14th-century map.

Open up

Pilgrimage in Britain by reaching out to as many different communities as we can to make pilgrimage more accessible and encouraging pilgrims to ‘Bring Your Own Beliefs’.


An active digital presence for our online community via our website, our e-newsletter mailing list and social media channels @pilgrimtrust.


With organisations like Ordnance Survey, English Heritage, Association of English Cathedrals and other nature-based organisations.


Our plan is to introduce pilgrimage to schoolchildren – especially those who may never have walked in the countryside before, or those who are going through a difficult time.

Get the book

‘Britain’s Pilgrim Places’: Our Book

Published in 2020, this book captures the spirit of over 2,000 years of history, heritage and wonder, through 600 places and 100 routes.

Learn more
Britain's Pilgrim Places Book Cover
Available on
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